The Who, What, When and Where of Self

We’re 8 months into 2022, the seasons are changing and Fall is in the air.

I’m still transitioning into my life as a Cali girl and building a new tribe. And like all things I’ve manifested, making the time to be intentional and clear. It’s brought me back to thinking through the 5 W’s of my life at this present time.

The who, what, when, where, and why of your life.


What kinds of friends and acquaintances do you keep or have around you?


 What qualities do you want to emulate from those around you?


You can decide the lengths of friendships and relationships. Some relationships have expiration dates and that's totally fine. But when does it stop when you know a friendship or relationship is volatile? The choice is yours.


Where is your current work situation going to take you? Where do you want your journey to lead you?


Why are you here? What is your purpose?


Grab your journal, let this marinate in your mind and get back to yourself! Always remember that you have control of the who, what, where, why, and when in your life.



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